
Unknown Facts About Joseph Ribkoff Sale

It's no secret business is tough at the moment. So anything that increases sales has to be a good thing right. Well you may be so busy buying your daywear and evening wear you've neglected to think about a key market, Pajamas...You may not have thought about stocking pajamas before. But don't get caught napping, you're potentially missing out on thousands of dollars in sales. Pajamas could account for 7% of your takings. Think about what that would do for your business. Have a look at joseph ribkoff sale for more info on this.


The US sleepwear market is worth over $6.5 Billion a year. This is one pie you need to have a slice of. Contact your pj wholesaler and you'll be amazed at the choice available, there's a whole range of vibrant and colourful designs to suit all tastes and budgets. But before you get carried away and rush off down to your local pajama wholesaler. Let's take a look at the different types of pj's available and which age groups they'll appeal to.

Flannel Pajamas: Flannel pajamas are of course an old classic. A two piece set containing a button up top and pants, made from the lovely soft cotton flannel fabric. Usually printed and available in an endless number of colors and designs, you can't go wrong with these. They're a timeless classic popular with everyone from teenagers to your grandma.


Sleepshirt: A Sleepshirt is an oversized shirt usually made from lightweight cotton or polyester, with delicate lace detailing for an exquisite feminine look. Sleepshirts can be worn by any age group, but are particularly popular with young to middle aged professional women.

Sleep Dress: A sleep dress is a loose fitting mid length dress usually with lace detailing and made from cotton or polyester. These are popular with younger women from teenagers to mid thirties.

Pajama Sets:  Pajama sets are a matching pair of shirt and pants. They're available in various different colours and styles, with both log and short pants. They're usually made from cotton or polyester. These are popular with all age groups but particularly with ladies in their thirties and forties.

Babydoll: A babydoll is a short loose fitting nightgown with an attached loose fitting skirt falling in length between the belly button and the hips. They are often trimmed with lace and have thin spaghetti straps. They are usually made from nylon, chiffon or silk. Babydolls are popular with younger girls from teenagers to mid thirties.

Finally pajamas are a great impulse buy. Most people don't go out specifically looking for a new pair of pajamas but will see them while out shopping for other items, they also make great gifts. So make sure you highlight your new range of pajamas to existing customers and you'll be amazed how many you sell.